Mrs Pamela Tshwete, Deputy Minister Water and Sanitation, speaking at the IWSN Regional Launch in South Africa, 16 September 2014:
“Today I wish to launch on behalf of the Department of Water and Sanitation, the entire water family and all South Africans this regional chapter of the International Water Security Network. This five year collaborative initiative will complement our strategies as a country and the work we have been doing as part of water provision in the different spheres of government.
“The programme of equitable access to water resource we seek to unfold in the water sector in this country has been met with a number of challenges as stated above. As the Department we are very happy to see so many universities collaborating and consolidating efforts as part of their academic programmes to reach out to communities and provide services we could not provide as a government. Thank you so much for taking time in pursuing this effort.”
(Full speech)
Frank Muramuzi, Executive Director, National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) hosted a student in 2013 as part of our UWE-Africa Programme:
“NAPE is grateful to UWE for giving us the opportunity to benefit from the placement of Oscar McLaughlin in our organisation. Oscar played an important role in identifying the need for Water User Committees (WUC) to have reference materials in order for them to be effective in their work. [His handbook] has already been supplied to Water User Committees in Luwero and Mukono, which has helped in increasing awareness to the committees of their roles and responsibilities regarding water. As a result of the book, two groups have already petitioned their local authorities to compel rich people who had fenced water sources to allow communities access to that water.
“Oscar made an invaluable contribution to the work of NAPE, was sensitive to community needs and was able to easily blend with the local communities. NAPE looks forward to another opportunity to work with UWE.”
Kenya Rainwater Association hosted a student in 2015 as part of our UWE-Africa Programme:
“[Molly’s] work…was a wake-up call for us…we were shocked that water we had thought was good was higher in coliform than we anticipated. It was a big learning experience for us.
”We had a great time with Molly, she was very charming and warm hearted and got on very well with all staff members.”
Geoffrey Kamese, National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) hosted a student in 2015 as part of our UWE-Africa Programme:
“Very helpful, beneficial and a valuable addition to our work. We are lucky to be part of the Placement programme to tap into the wonderful knowledge, skill and commitment of the UWE students. We would love to continue the collaboration and for UWE students to continue undertaking research in our organisation.”
Anne Kikundwa, Social worker, Uganda Rainwater Association hosted a student in 2015 as part of our UWE-Africa Programme:
“It was an excellent opportunity to work with a student from outside Uganda. This was the first placement of this kind to URWA. A relationship was built with UWE student Josh Rogers to the extent of sharing freely his learning experience and this informed some of our decisions especially on monitoring the organisations he visited.”