HWISE and IWSN at Cairo Water Week

Chad Staddon (Director, International Water Security Network) and Sera Young (Associate Professor of Anthropology, Northwestern University) will be presenting on the Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale on behalf of UNESCO at Cairo Water Week on 20 October.

The Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale is a short survey instrument that has the potential to transform our understanding of household water insecurity.

This session will explain how this easy-to-use tool can be used for research, policy, and program development. It concludes with hands-on training in the assessment of progress towards leaving no one behind.

For more information about HWISE, see:

The Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale: a Simple Questionnaire for Generating High-resolution Data on Water Security. Sunday 20 October 2019, 12:30-14:00PM. Session TS44, Zambezi River Hall.