
Videos - Videos of talks, presentations or other relevant material.

Well rehabilitation in Mukono, Uganda

In 2014, the UWE-Africa Water Security Programme provided funding to the National Association of Professional Environmentalists to upgrade two wells in Mukono, Uganda. This film, shot in the summer of 2015, looks at the effects of this work.

Impressions of the Water Governance Workshop held in Mendoza, August 2016

In this short film, attendees of the Water Governance Workshop, held in Argentina from 3-6 August 2016, speak about the event.

The Colour of Water

Boris Siromahov, a BA Journalism student at UWE, Bristol, travelled to Uganda in the summer of 2015 as part of the UWE-Africa Water Security Programme, and made this short documentary about water pollution in Uganda.

Ten Facts About Water

Short animation revealing ten interesting facts about water.

UWE-Africa Water Security Programme

This five-minute video is an updated version of our earlier film about the UWE students who have been part of the UWE-Africa Water Security Programme. It now includes an introduction from IWSN Director Chad Staddon.

Interview with Dr Tom Appleby

As part of European Green Capital, artist Luke Jerram has created Withdrawn, an artwork in Leigh Woods, Bristol that features a number of fishing boats carefully placed to trigger discussion on Bristol’s maritime past and the state of the environment. Onboard one of the boats, Luke interviewed IWSN researcher Dr Tom Appleby about his views on marine management.

UWE-Africa Water Security Programme 2014

Since 2011, staff and students from the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at UWE, Bristol have worked with communities in Uganda to improve access to safe water supplies. This short film shows UWE Geography students talking about their research and experiences while on placement in Uganda as part of the UWE-Africa Water Security Programme.

Fracking and water security

Short animation outlining the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and the possible implications for water security.

Weird weather

Short animation on weather and climate change.

National Youth Water Summit 2014

Five minute video about the National Youth Water Summit, which was co-organised by Monash South Africa and the Department of Water and Sanitation.

Time and Tide

Short film in which Tom Appleby investigates marine conservation and fishing on the Clyde in Scotland.

Documents - Downloadable documents; project reports, papers &notes

Profiles of students funded by IWSN

A key component of IWSN is the training of future professionals in water management for sustainability and security. We believe that offering studentships and prizes at all levels will both encourage and support the brightest young minds to devote themselves to this critical area of work. This support includes: PhD, MSc and MPhil scholarships, funding for Post-Doctoral Research Associates, Student Prizes for the best undergraduate dissertations covering water issues, and funding students to undertake research overseas. This booklet introduces these students and the research they have undertaken.

Document: Profiles of students funded by IWSN (pdf)

2020 newsletter of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme of the Diocese of Muhabura (Uganda)

This newsletter provides an update on the work being undertaken by the Diocese of Muhabura's WATSAN programme and the International Water Security Network in Kisoro, Uganda. This includes the installation of rainwater harvesting tanks, an update on plans for a gravity flow water scheme to improve water access to over 2,000 people, and the latest research conducted by students at the University of the West of England during field trips to Kisoro.

Document: Newsletter 2020 (pdf)

Our Water, Our Future: Securing the water resources of the uMngeni River Basin

This handbook by Duncan Hay, Executive Director of the Institute of Natural Resources, gives a general overview of the uMngeni River Basin in South Africa - its hydrology, ecology, people, management and governance - and the issues it faces.

Document: Our Water, Our Future: Securing the water resources of the uMngeni River Basin (pdf)

Water Security on the Kafue Flats in Zambia

This technical report by Machaya Chomba and Bimo Nkhata highlights key water security issues in Zambia with special reference to the Kafue Flats. It draws particular attention to issues of water availability and demand, competing water users, and institutional arrangements for securing water and associated resources. The report comes at a time when several countries in southern Africa, including Zambia, are negotiating trade-offs associated with developing water resources whilst trying to ensure ecosystem integrity.

Document: Water Security on the Kafue Flats in Zambia (pdf)

Resilience by design: A selection of case studies

A booklet of short articles on resilience that emerged from the 'Resilience by Design' workshop, held at the Institute of Natural Resources in South Africa on 11 August 2016.

Document: Resilience by design: A selection of case studies (pdf)

National Youth Water and Sanitation Summit, 2015

Monash South Africa have produced this 14-page report on the 2015 summit, which they co-hosted with Department of Water and Sanitation.

Document: National Youth Water and Sanitation Summit 2015 (pdf)

Shale gas resource list

List of resources on shale gas development, shale gas and water, emissions associated with shale gas development and other issues.

Document: Shale gas resource list (pdf)